GNOME vs Xfce vs KDE

Which is the Best Desktop Environment: KDE, Xfce, or GNOME?

  The three most popular desktop environments for Linux are KDE, GNOME, and Xfce. Many users utilize the Unix operating system’s core desktop environment along with their preferred Linux distribution. Professionals, however, typically choose one over the other because of features like file management, performance, accessibility, and layout. You’ve come to the correct place if you struggle to choose an…

Google Cookies

Google’s Big Plan to Get Rid of Cookies Is Failing

Millions of people are part of a worldwide experiment to eliminate cookies forever. Google has been testing innovative browser-based technology in Chrome since last month, and it has the potential to transform the global advertising market completely. The majority of those interested in the trial are presumably unaware of it, but critical voices are voicing concerns as the project progresses.…