What Can You Do Wth Linux VPS Hosting

What Can You Do With Linux VPS Hosting

  Web hosting is usually for websites. Linux VPS hosting can also be for email, and file sharing. But what if you don’t need your website anymore? Maybe you transferred your business and WordPress website to another owner. Maybe your college capstone project is complete. When you purchase a Linux server subscription from some web hosting providers, you cannot cancel your hosting account at any…

Cloud Computing

What exactly is cloud computing? A Beginner’s Handbook

This blog is a beginner’s guide for those interested in learning about cloud computing, its benefit, and the various levels of cloud computing. Before we go some farther, let us first clarify: What exactly is cloud computing? Cloud computing refers to on-demand applications that are provided over the internet. This service is broadly defined as follows: Infrastructure as a Service…

Google Cookies

Google’s Big Plan to Get Rid of Cookies Is Failing

Millions of people are part of a worldwide experiment to eliminate cookies forever. Google has been testing innovative browser-based technology in Chrome since last month, and it has the potential to transform the global advertising market completely. The majority of those interested in the trial are presumably unaware of it, but critical voices are voicing concerns as the project progresses.…

Free vs. Paid SSL Certificate

Difference Between Free SSL Certificate & Paid SSL Certificate

At a moment when the number of hacking attempts and fraudulent activities is rising with each passing day, website owners and online users are becoming much more concerned about their security. Having built an SSL certificate has therefore become a requirement for every website. As you probably know, two types of SSL certificates exist. The first is ‘Free SSL Certificate’…

How to Add FREE SSL to WordPress Websites?

How to Add FREE SSL to WordPress Websites?

  In this article, we will show you how to easily get a free SSL certificate for your WordPress website and set it up all by yourself. With an SSL Certificate, your website URL will start with “https://” instead of “http://”. In addition, your website visitors/potential customers will notice a green [Secure] word in the website address bar. Steps to…

Types of SSL Certificates

3 Types of SSL Certificate | Does your website need?

Business owners also have the same questions in mind:Which types of SSL certificate do I need? Know the difference and pick the right one! SSL Certificate are not only providing strong security for your website visitors’ data. Besides, it also help to boostyour users’ trust and getting SEO benefits ! KEEP reading to get a clear understanding of the types…