Choose the Right Operating System for Your Hosting Needs


Choose the Right Operating System for Your Hosting Needs

Server Gigabit Operating System Guide

Which Operating System Should You Use: Linux vs Windows

A virtual private server (VPS) is a miniature computer that is housed on a mother server that allows you to run a variety of apps. A VPS may be used for a variety of things, including hosting websites, apps, and new test environments.

We’ve compiled a list of six common reasons for renting a VPS in this post.

Much technical jargon associated with a VPS, such as bandwidth, RAM, CPU, and the variations between HDD and SSD storage, are likely familiar to you.

If these phrases are unfamiliar to you, read our article on how to select the most dependable VPS hosting for your needs.

It’s critical that you comprehend these technical phrases so that you can make an informed purchase decision.

Understanding the role of an Operating System (OS) in a VPS, as well as the distinctions between Linux VPS and Windows VPS, is the next learning milestone for you.

Let’s get this party started!

What is Operating System (OS)?

If you have a laptop or a desktop PC at home, the operating system is almost certainly Windows. A Macbook is a computer that runs on the Macintosh operating system.

Aside from laptops and PCs, smartphone devices operate on a variety of operating systems. Android and iOS are the two most popular operating systems on the market today. Linux and Windows are the two most popular operating systems for VPS.

Let’s look at the differences between Linux and Windows virtual private servers.

Operating System: Linux vs Windows

In this comparison, we will be looking at 9 aspects:

  1. Performance
  2. Security
  3. Compatibility
  4. Server Access
  5. Control Panel
  6. Support
  7. Ease of Use
  8. Scalability
  9. Cost
1. Performance

Have you ever had to leave a website because the page was taking too long to load? I’m sure most of us have been in that situation.

This data demonstrates how critical it is to have a quick page load speed. Now the major question is:

What is the difference between Linux VPS and Windows VPS in terms of performance?

Let’s find out.

Linux VPS

Secure Shell has been created particularly for VPS operating on Linux (SSH). SSH is a command-line interface for managing VPSs. This characteristic improves the resource efficiency of Linux VPS. When there is a strong demand for resources, the administrator of a Linux VPS does not need to reboot the server on a regular basis. Because any programs hosted on Linux VPS are not prone to more technical problems, fewer reboots would imply better performance.

Windows VPS

Windows VPS is commercial good aimed at the general public. It employs a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which facilitates navigation. However, there is a drawback to this. Your Windows VPS must be restarted after every major/minor patch and driver/software update, or it will be rebooted automatically according to its internal schedule. If you recall the scheduled computer restart after a Windows update, you’ll be familiar with this. Another disadvantage of a Windows VPS is that it might be resource-demanding if not adequately optimized. This is due to the fact that the Windows operating system comes with a large number of pre-installed apps that consume a lot of CPU power when they are running in the background.


Linux virtual private servers outperform Windows virtual private servers.

2. Security

Cyber-attacks are on the rise all the time. DDoS assaults, data breaches, and malware are all common website dangers. Here are some statistics from that will give you an idea of how widespread cyber assaults are on the Internet.

  • 92% of malware is delivered by email.
  • The average ransomware attack costs a company $5 million.
  • It takes organizations an average of 191 days to identify data breaches.

Now that we understand the significance of cybersecurity, which is more secure: Linux VPS or Windows VPS? Let’s get into the specifics.

Linux VPS

The fact that Linux is open source is an essential factor that contributes to the high security of Linux VPS. There is a large community of skilled coders that could examine, find, and remark on the flaw. This also makes it feasible to repair problems and backdoors as quickly as possible. Linux, on the other hand, is more secure owing to its smaller user base. You’ll immediately get the rationale since I explain it in the section on Windows VPS security.

Windows VPS

According to NetMarketShare, Windows OS is used by 88 percent of all computers on the Internet. That’s more than a third of all of these machines put together! With such a large user base, cyber attackers are continuously probing the Windows OS for vulnerabilities.


Does your VPS’s operating system have an impact on its security?

The answer is both yes and no.

It’s not that Windows has a lackluster defense against cybercriminals. They’ve been regularly improving and enhancing their anti-cyberattack defenses. However, because Windows has such a large user base, cyber thieves are more likely to target it than Linux.

This article explains Why Linux is better than Windows or macOS for security.

If we have to crown only one OS, Linux VPS is much safer than Windows VPS.

3. Compatibility

Linux VPS

Linux, which is an open-source operating system in and of itself, is suitable for hosting open-source software such as PHP/Perl, Java, Python, ROR, SSH, CGI, MySQL, and many more. Here’s a quick rundown of 50 open source business applications that are compatible with Linux.

Windows VPS

Only Windows-specific software and programs operate on a Windows VPS. ASP, MySQL, C#, MS Access, and more programming languages are examples. Take a peek at Google’s selection of software and programs for Windows.


The majority of ready-to-use commercial software is designed for the Windows operating system. It’s unsurprising, given that Windows has a greater market share than Linux. All of this commercially accessible software, however, is not free. Because Linux software is open source, it is available for free.

However, both options are good for users, so we’ll label this section a tie.

4. Server Access

Users with server access have more control over the setting of their VPS. Which provides consumers with more flexibility: Linux or Windows? Can you make a guess?

Linux VPS

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a simple technology that allows users to upload and download data. FTP, for example, is required when creating a website since it is used to upload media (pictures or videos) from your PC to your VPS. On Linux, FTP is available. Another server access option is to use the SSH security protocol, which is only accessible on Linux.

Windows VPS

FTP, which allows you to move files around with ease, is also available for Windows. SSH, on the other hand, is not available on the Windows operating system. Installing PuTTY on a Windows VPS is one approach to get around this. has compiled a helpful guide for installing PuTTY on your Windows VPS.


Users get more access to the server with a Linux VPS. Although Windows VPSs do not support SSH, there are workarounds available. In this segment, Linux VPS is slightly better than Windows VPS. Slightly.

5. Control Panel

Customizing and managing various settings and features is essential while creating a website. For all of us, the control panel takes care of this vexing task wonderfully.

Linux VPS

cPanel and Web Host Manager are two Linux control panels (WHM).

Windows VPS

Windows uses Plesk.


The interfaces of cPanel and Plesk are both user-friendly. A tie once more.

6. Support

When it comes to VPS or any other server, technical challenges are inescapable. What you require is immediate assistance from a skilled support team.

Linux VPS

A large community of skilled developers supports Linux. They are those who look at source programs to locate vulnerabilities and backdoors and repair them. However, their help may not be the most dependable you can get. After all, these people aren’t being paid to work in a customer service center from 9 to 5.

Windows VPS

Windows is an operating system created by Microsoft, a multibillion-dollar corporation. The organization has a team of skilled IT support staff on hand to assist you with any issues you may have at any time.


With its international renown, Windows clearly has the upper hand in this category.

Whether you choose to host a Linux VPS or a Windows VPS, our skilled customer service staff is available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At Server Gigabit, we aim to make sure that our clients have the greatest possible hosting experience.

7. Ease of Use

“Whether it’s easy to use or not relies on your technical understanding,” we used to hear back in the day. However, this may no longer be the case. Over time, advancements and improvements have been made. Let’s have a look at what we’ve got.

Linux VPS

Command lines were formerly the bane of all novice users. However, considering how the GUI is currently accessible for Linux OS, it no longer applies any truths. In this post, Lifewire properly outlines the use of GUI and command lines in various circumstances. In reality, one of the most common hosting administration tools is cPanel, which is used by Linux.

Windows VPS

Windows highlights its intuitive user interface as a key selling advantage, claiming that it is particularly user-friendly.


Linux VPS might be a good option if you’re a learner who doesn’t mind Googling for information on how to use Linux.

If you find learning to be too difficult, and you are already comfortable with Windows, Windows is the right solution for you.

8. Scalability

According to, scalability refers to a server’s capacity to accommodate a growing workload and demand without sacrificing performance.

Linux VPS

In today’s market, there are two primary Linux VPS options: Linux OpenVZ VPS and Linux KVM VPS. Both may be readily modified to meet greater workloads (through your control panel). When necessary, only Linux OpenVZ VPSs can be downgraded. Users of Linux OpenVZ VPS do not need to reboot their VPS following upgrade installs.

Windows VPS

VPS for Windows can be scaled up but not down. Following an upgrade installation, users must reboot their server for the changes to take effect.


You should think about getting a VPS for your own application.

Both Linux VPS and Windows VPS are excellent if you predict an increase in server burden over a period of time.

The benefit of a Linux OpenVZ VPS is that you may downgrade at any moment and that your VPS does not need to be rebooted.

Linux KVM VPS and Windows VPS both have drawbacks, including the inability to downgrade and the need to reboot.

9. Cost

Many people are concerned about the cost. Businesses are looking for ways to save costs. People desire to save money so that they can plan vacations. Despite this, we all want to save money. Which one is the most cost-effective? Isn’t it quite self-evident at this point?

Linux VPS

Linux, being an open-source platform, offers many reduced expenses. You don’t have to pay a licensing fee every year if you use Linux OS. The majority of Linux software and apps are also free to use, owing to the generosity of the creators.

Windows VPS

Because Windows is a Microsoft commercial product, customers must pay a license price. The Windows license charge is included in our Windows VPS options.


Windows VPS is the appropriate solution if you don’t mind paying a bit more for familiarity.

If the thought of having to pay more every month makes you grimace, a Linux VPS is the way to go.
Performance, security, affordability, and server access are all advantages of Linux VPS.

Windows, on the other hand, has a significant edge in terms of support and convenience of use. In comparison to Windows VPS, Linux VPS has undoubtedly scored higher.

However, there is one crucial factor to consider: the programming language. The languages used by Linux and Windows are vastly different.

The Choice Is In Your Hands

Check out our Linux Plans and Windows VPS Plans while you’re still considering which OS to utilize. You may obtain a full-fledged, professional VPS hosting experience for less than RM2 per day.

Why full-fledged?

Your VPS may be set up in just 30 seconds at Server Gigabit. If you have any problems with your VPS, our skilled customer support team is here to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in the world.
Here’s the best part: you get a 30-day risk-free VPS! What does this imply? You have 30 days to test our VPS, and if you are dissatisfied with its performance, we will refund your entire payment. Today, try one of our VPS hosting plans!

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