How Do I addon My ID Protection?

Searching for Domain

6 Steps to Addon My ID Protection in Client Area:


Step 1:  Login in your Client area.

Step 2:  Click on your registered domain.

id protection - domain select


Step 3: After that, Click on the “Settings” button aligned to the domain you wish to add ID Protection.

ID protection - domain list

Step 4: Find the “Addons” button on your left, under Manage Category to addon the ID Protection.

Addon ID Protection

Step 5: Then, Click the green ID Protection “Buy Now” button.

Step 6:  Lastly, Proceed to payment to keep your information secure.


Finally, You’re sucessfully to addon your ID protection for your Domain!

PS: Please be informed that Whois ID Protection’s validity is based on your domain expiry date. We suggest you to get you domain and ID Protection in a single bundle to enjoy earlier protection and saving.



Domain Purchase date: 26 June 2020
Domain Expiry date: 26 June 2020

D Protection Purchase date: 25 December 2019.

*ID Protection will expire on 26 June 2020


You may not realise the importance of Whois ID Protection till you see the post “What is ID protection of Domain”.

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