Server Gigabit Guide

Custom Errors In Website Panel

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Custom Errors In Website Panel

Use this tab to customize HTTP error messages that are sent to clients when web server errors occur. It is possible to use generic default HTTP 1.1 errors, detailed custom error files that IIS provides, or create your own custom error files.

Code – all custom error messages display industry-standard HTTP codes, which ensure consistency with HTTP 1.1 error messages. You do not need to change this setting.

Sub Code – displays the Sub Code associated with HTTP Error Codes and does not require any change in normal settings.

Handler Type – the web interface allows you to have your own custom page for different HTTP error codes:

(1) File – type the location of the file mapped to the custom error. It is usually your home location , where you place your files/folders, provided by the web host.
(2) Redirect – to map the custom error to a URL, select URL and enter the path to the URL beginning with the virtual directory name, for example /virdir1/errors/404.htm

Error Content – displays the Redirect/File location, depending upon Handler Type selection.

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