Server Gigabit Guide

How to find Plesk domains exceeding disk quota?

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Applies to :


  • Plesk 11.x Linux



To perform this task, you need to have :

  • Knowledge in accessing the server via SSH.
  • IP address or server hostname.
  • Your server SSH username and password.



1.    Login via SSH as the root user.

2.    Access MySQL as the admin user by execute below command on terminal

mysql  -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`

3.    Tell MySQL you want to use the Plesk Database psa:

use psa;

4.    Execute the following MySQL Query:

SELECT, domains.real_size, Limits.value FROM domains, Limits WHERE domains.limits_id = AND domains.real_size > Limits.value AND limit_name = 'disk_space' AND Limits.value != -1 ORDER BY ASC;

5.    You should now get a table output containing a list of all of the domains within Plesk which have exceeded the mail quota.

6.    To quit MySQL simply type exit.

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