Server Gigabit Guide

Backup/restore MySQL databases from cPanel

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Steps to backup the MySQL database, please do the following:

1.Login to your control panel and click Backups.

2.Under Download a MySQL Databases Backup, click the name of the databases.

3.Click Save As.

4.Select a destination for where you would like the backup to be saved, locally.

Once you have a backup, if you ever inadvertently lose your data, then you can restore the database easily and quickly.

To restore a database, please do the following:

1.Login to your control panel and click Backups.

2.Click the Browse button next to the option which says Restore a MySQL Database.

3.Select the .sql.gz file which you want restored.

4.Click the Open button and click the Upload button.

You’ve successfully completed the steps to Backup MySQL database from cPanele.If you found this guide useful during the setup of your additional address. Please share it with other users going through the same process.


Please refer to the following article to know more. 
Knowledge Base: Database using Mysqldump


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