Server Gigabit Guide

Basics of Linux Permissions

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In this article, we delve into the core concepts of Linux permissions and their significance within a VPS environment. Our aim is to demystify the realm of user privileges, file ownership, and access constraints, equipping you with the knowledge to fortify your server and its data.

Whether you’re a web developer, system administrator, or simply intrigued by VPS management intricacies, read on as we unravel the intricacies of Linux permissions in your virtual server. By the end of this guide, you’ll confidently navigate permission complexities and bolster the security of your VPS.

Understanding Linux File Permissions

For a system administrator, grasping file permissions is akin to deciphering the language of control and access. Linux file permissions act as gatekeepers, determining who can view, modify, or execute files and directories on your VPS. They ensure that only authorized entities gain access to your data and applications.

The Three Permission Types

At the core of Linux file permissions lie three essential attributes, each governing a specific aspect of file access:

  • Read (r): This permission grants a user or group the ability to view file contents or list directory contents. It is symbolized by the letter r in permission settings.
  • Write (w): The write permission empowers users or groups to modify file contents, create, or delete files within a directory. It is denoted by the letter w.
  • Execute (x): Represented by the letter x, execute permission allows the running of scripts or execution of programs. Without this permission, executing programs or navigating directories is impossible.

The Three Permission Levels

Linux permissions aren’t universally granted; they are tailored to specific entities. There exist three primary permission levels:

  • User (u): This level pertains to the file or directory owner. It can be the person who created the file or a designated user with specified access rights.
  • Group (g): Group permissions apply to a predefined set of users who share access to the file or directory. Groups efficiently manage permissions for multiple users with similar requirements.
  • Others (o): The “others” category encompasses everyone not designated as the owner or a member of the file’s associated group. These permissions are typically more open and apply to all users on the system.

Numeric and Symbolic Permission Representation

inux permissions manifest in two formats: numeric and symbolic notation.

  • Numeric Notation: Assigns a numeric value to each permission. Read is represented by 4, write by 2, and execute by 1. These values sum up to a three-digit number. The first digit represents user permissions, the second represents group permissions, and the third represents others.
Permission Numeric Value
Read 4
Write 2
Execute 1
  • Symbolic Notation: Utilizes a combination of letters and symbols to portray permissions. ‘r’ signifies read, ‘w’ represents write, ‘x’ denotes execute, and ‘-‘ indicates no permissions. These symbols, combined with user, group, and others, establish permission settings.
Symbol Meaning
r Read permissions
w Write permissions
x Execute permissions
No permissions

In the next section, we will explore the practical applications of these permissions and take a closer look at umask.

Viewing File Permissions

To gain insights into existing file permissions on your Linux VPS, utilize reliable commands like ‘ls -l’ and ‘stat’ to uncover comprehensive details about your files and directories.

Using the ‘ls-command’ 

The ‘ls’ command, coupled with the ‘-l’ option, is your tool for observing file permissions in a user-friendly format. Access your terminal, navigate to the directory of interest, and execute:

ls -l filename_or_directory 

Replace ‘filename_or_directory’ with the actual name of your file or directory. The output will provide a detailed listing encompassing file permissions, ownership details, size, modification date, and more.

The output will look something like this:

Linux Permission Basics (ls output)
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     7 Aug 25  2021 filename  

Here, the lrwxrwxrwx portion represents the file’s permissions in symbolic notation. The user and group values indicate the file’s owner and group, respectively.

Using ‘stat’ 

For a more extensive overview of file permissions and additional file information, leverage the ‘stat‘ command. This command furnishes a comprehensive breakdown of a file’s attributes:

stat <filename_or_directory> 

Replace ‘<filename_or_directory>’ with the specific file or directory name. The output presents abundant information, including access, modification, and change times, in a structured format.

These commands empower you to explore and comprehend file and directory permissions on your VPS—an essential skill for effectively managing access and security.

How to Use ‘chmod’ to Modify Permissions

The ‘chmod’ command is the key to altering file permissions. It enables you to set or modify permissions for a file or directory using symbolic or octal notation.

  • Symbolic Notation: This method uses letters (u, g, o, a) and symbols (+, -, =) to add or remove permissions.
Symbol Meaning
u User (owner of the file)
g Group (users who are in the same group as the file)
o Others (everyone else)
a All (a combination of u, g, and o)
+ Adds the specified permission
Removes the specified permission
= Sets the specified permission and removes all others

Example: To add write permission for the user and group and remove all permissions for others on a file named example.txt, you can use the following command:

chmod ug+w,o-rx example.txt 
  • Octal Notation: Employs three digits (0-7) to represent permissions for the owner, group, and others.
Digits (0-7) Corresponding Permissions
0 No permissions
1 Execute (1)
2 Write (2)
3 Write + Execute (2+1)
4 Read (4)
5 Read + Execute (4+1)
6 Read + Write (4+2)
7 Read + Write + Execute (4+2+1)

Example: To give read and write permissions to the owner, read-only permission to the group, and no permissions to others on a file named example.txt, you can use the following command:

chmod 640 example.txt 

Understanding User and Group Ownership 

Ownership significantly influences file and directory permissions in Unix-based systems. This chapter explores the impact of ownership on permissions and demonstrates how to inspect file ownership using the ‘ls -l’ command.

How Ownership Affects Permissions 

Every file and directory in Unix systems has two ownership levels: user ownership and group ownership. These levels directly impact access, modification, or execution rights for files or directories.

  • User Ownership: The user creating a file or directory becomes its owner by default, possessing special privileges to modify, delete, or change permissions.
  • Group Ownership: Each user belongs to one or more user groups. Assigning a file or directory to a specific group grants members group ownership, allowing access based on group permissions.

How to Check File Ownership Using the ‘ls-l Command’

The ‘ls’ command lists files and directories in a directory. With the ‘-l’ option, it provides a detailed output, including ownership information:

ls -l

The output of this command will display information in a format like the following:

-rw-r--r--  1 user1  group1  1234 Sep  6 10:00 file.txt 

Here is a breakdown of what each column represents:

  • -rw-r–r–: These characters represent the file’s permissions. The first character indicates the file type (in this case, a regular file), followed by three sets of permissions for the file owner, group owner, and others.
  • 1: This number indicates the number of hard links to the file.
  • user1: This is the name of the file owner.
  • group1: This is the name of the group owner.
  • 1234: This is the file size in bytes.
  • Sep  6 10:00: This is the date and time of the last modification.
  • file.txt: This is the file or directory name.

The output showcases file permissions, number of hard links, owner, group, file size, modification date, and filename. It reveals ownership details and permission settings for users and groups.

Changing File Ownership

File ownership adjustments facilitate the transfer of files or directories between users and groups. The following chapter elucidates how to modify ownership using the ‘chown’ and ‘chgrp’ commands, accompanied by code examples.

How to Change File Ownership using ‘chown’ 

The ‘chown’ command changes the file or directory owner. It necessitates superuser (root) privileges or ownership of the file/directory:

chown [new_owner:new_group] [file_or_directory] 
  • new_owner: The new owner’s username.
  • new_group: The new group’s name (optional).
  • file_or_directory: The file or directory whose ownership you want to change.

How to Change Group Ownership using ‘chgrp’

The ‘chgrp’ command changes the group ownership of a file or directory, requiring similar privileges as ‘chown’:

chgrp [new_group][file_or_directory]
  • new_group: The new group’s name.
  • file_or_directory: The file or directory whose group ownership you want to change.

Code Examples for Changing Ownership 

Practical code examples demonstrate ownership modifications for files and directories:

  • Changing File Ownership with ‘chown’: 

To change the owner of a file named file.txt to a user named newuser, use the following command:

sudo chown newuser file.txt

To change both the owner and group ownership of the same file, use:

sudo chown newuser:newgroup file.txt
  • Changing Directory Ownership with ‘chown’: 

To change the owner of a directory named mydir and all its contents to newuser, use the -R option for recursive ownership change:

sudo chown -R newuser mydir 
  • Changing Group Ownership with ‘chgrp:

To change the group ownership of a file named file.txt to a group named newgroup, use the following command:

sudo chgrp newgroup file.txt 
  • Changing Group Ownership of a Directory with ‘chgrp:

To change the group ownership of a directory named mydir and all its contents to newgroup, use the -R option for recursive group ownership change:

sudo chgrp -R newgroup mydir 

Always remember to replace newuser and newgroup with the actual usernames and group names you want to assign. Additionally, use sudo to execute these commands with superuser privileges, as changing ownership typically requires elevated permissions. Be cautious when changing ownership, as it can have significant implications for access control and security on your system.


In conclusion, comprehending Linux permissions and ownership within a VPS environment is pivotal for safeguarding data and controlling access effectively. By unraveling the intricate web of file permissions, user privileges, and ownership intricacies, you gain the tools to fortify your server’s security.

Understanding the nuances of Linux permissions—such as the three permission types (read, write, execute) and levels (user, group, others), along with their numeric and symbolic representations—empowers effective access management. The ability to view, modify, and comprehend permissions using commands like ‘ls -l’ and ‘stat’ is key to maintaining robust security protocols.

Ownership plays a significant role in determining access rights. Recognizing the influence of user and group ownership on file and directory permissions is vital. Being able to change ownership using ‘chown’ and ‘chgrp’ commands with precision is essential for managing access control efficiently.

Mastering these aspects equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the labyrinth of permissions and ownership intricacies, fortifying your VPS against unauthorized access and ensuring data security. Continual learning and implementation of best practices in permission management are fundamental in maintaining a robust and secure VPS environment.

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