Server Gigabit Guide

Can I connect to MS SQL 2005 database server using MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager?

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You are not able to connect using the MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager connect to MS SQL 2005 database server using MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager? to the MS SQL 2005 database from your local terminal. This is due to compatibility issue between MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager and the MS SQL 2005 database engine server.

If you try to connect using MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager to your MS SQL 2005 database, you will receive the error “SQL-DMO You must use SQL 2005 management tools to connect to this server” as shown in the following screen shot:

SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager errorClick and drag to move

In order to connect it, you will need to install the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express that is applicable to download for free from Microsoft website.

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