Server Gigabit Guide

Clone database using PhpMyAdmin

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This guide is for users who want to clone their MySQL database through phpMyAdmin

Besides using the command line or dashboard to export, import way to clone MySQL database, user have the option to use phpMyadmin function to clone their database.

After accessing phpMyAdmin via cPanel / Helm / WebSitePanel,

  1. Select the database user want to  clone (by clicking on database from the phpMyAdmin home screen).
  2. Once inside the database, select the Operations tab.
  3. Scroll down to the section where it says “Copy database to:
  4. Type in the name of the new database.
  5. Select “structure and data” to copy everything. Alternately, user can select “Structure only” if user want the columns but not the data.
  6. Check the box “CREATE DATABASE before copying” to create a new database.
  7. Check the box “Add AUTO_INCREMENT value.”
  8. Click on the Go button to proceed .(clone the MySQL database)

If click on the home icon, user will notice the new database listed in the left column. By going inside, user will find the database is a clone of the previous database.

PhpMyAdmin-Clone database

You’ve successfully completed the steps to clone the database.If you found this guide useful during the setup of your additional address. Please share it with other users going through the same process.


Please refer to the following article to know more. 
Knowledge Base:  How to repair database table with phpMyadmin?


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