Server Gigabit Guide

Collecting Logs and System Information

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You can view and collect agent logs from web console

To view the activity logs for a specific machine:

  1. Login to the console for backup management
  2. Choose the machine
  3. Click on activitiesactivity logs-specific machine-Activities
  4.  View details or download the log to submit to Servergigabit support.If you choose to backup your device to cloud storage. There is only 1 type of backup/scheme format available. Which is Daily Incremental with single-file backup format.activity logs-specific machine-Activities details

activity logs-specific machine-Succeeded with warnings

To collect System Information from an agent (machine) from Backup Management Console:

  1. Select the agent/machine in the console for backup management
  2. Go to the activities
  3. Click on Collect system information
  4. Agent collects, zips and pushes the required info locally to the web console for download.system information-Backup Management Console-Collect system information

To collect System Information from an agent (machine) from manually from agent side (OS side):


  1. Use an AcronisInfo tool
  2. Perform the exe file in CMD as administrator
  3. Send in the generate log to support

Linux (with acronis backup agent installed)

a) Run the root privileges to the following command:


Where /full_path_to_report/ is the current location and filename which is to save Linux System Report Send the file to help.

b) If the above command doesn’t work for some reason, run a bash script to directly collect the information:


The report will be save automatically to the /var/lib/Acronis/sysinfo/ directory.

Send in the file to support.


Linux (without acronis backup agent installed)

  1. Download the systeminfo binary file from the below link to your server.
  2. chmod +x systeminfo
  3. ./systeminfo and wait until the process complete.
  4. The log fill will be put in /var/lib/Acronis/sysinfo/
  5. Send in the file to support.


Mac OS

To collect system information on a Mac, open Terminal and execute:
    sudo -u root /Library/Application\ Support/BackupClient/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/systeminfo

The report will be saved automatically to /Library/Application Support/Acronis/systeminfo content

Submit the file to maintain.

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