Server Gigabit Guide

Domain Name Extension

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Domain Name Extension

Domain name extension alway consist of the top-level domain, and sometimes a second-level domain.

The top-level domains in this list are recognized by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which operates the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and is in charge of maintaining the DNS root zone.

The below are the requirements on how to register a valid domain names:


(1) Domains name can only contains letter(a-z), number (0-9) or dashes/hyphen (-) but may not begin and end with dashes.

(2) Do not use other characters such as “_” (underscore), “&” (ampersand), “/” (oblique or slash),  “.” (dot) and ” ” (white space).

(3) Domain Name Extension cannot have hyphens as the 3rd and 4th characters (reserved for multilingual domain registration. For example:

(4) Your domain cannot less than four characters EXCLUSIVE of the TLD. For examples: Domain which does not allowed to be register:,,,

(5) Please be informed that application for one to three-characters .my domain names is temporarily unavailable.

You may use up to 63 characters for your domain name INCLUSIVE of the TLD (such as .com, .org, .net, .hk, .biz) except for .my domain registration which only support up to 40 characters.

(6) Premium domains are a select list of domain names that are sold at a Premium Price set by the central registry. The central registries for these domains charge a premium registration price due to the estimated higher value of the domain name. Learn more about Domain name.

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