Server Gigabit Guide

Filter Incoming Mails by Attachment Extensions

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Filter Incoming Mails by Attachment Extensions

This guideline are prepared for users who subscribe SPAM Expert (Advanced Incoming SPAM Protection) service and wish to filter incoming mail by attachment extension type

By using this function, user can specify the emails to be blocked based on the extension of the files due there. There are spammers who like to Attachment Extensions file with the mail.

1. Enter SPAM Expert dashboard via client area. After that,  If user is not familiar with this then may refer to the below guideline:

(How To Enter SPAM Expert Dashboard)

2. Above all ,Click on ‘Blocked extensions‘ under Email restrictions.

spam expert-attachment extensions-Blocked extensions

3. There are 13 common extensions choices by default. However , Below is an example of blocking .bat and .exe attachments mail. If intend to configure more, user may click on “Add extension”.

attachment extensions-Blocked extensions choice 

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