Server Gigabit Guide

How to adjust timeout settings for mail client

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Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003

1. From the Tools menu, select E-mail Accounts …

2. Select View or change existing E-mail accounts and click Next.

3. Select the E-mail you want to modify and click Change.

4. To bring up the Internet E-Mail Settings window, click More Settings…

5. Select the Advanced tab.

6. Left click on the slide-point and drag to the far right side (10 minutes). By changing the setting, you increase the timeout session for preventing your connection from terminated.

7. Click APPLY and then OK.

Outlook 2007/2010/2013

1. Start Outlook.

2. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings.

3. Click to select the target POP3 account, and then click Change.

4. Click More Settings.

5. Click the Advanced tab.

6. Gradually increase the server time-out setting until the issue is resolved.

Outlook Express

1. From the Tools menu, select ACCOUNTS…

2. Select Mail tab.

3. Select the E-mail you want to modify and click Properties.

4. Select the Advanced tab.

5. Left click on the slide-point from “Server Timeouts” section and drag to the far right side (5 minutes). By changing the setting, you increase the timeout session for preventing your connection from terminated.

6. Click APPLY and then OK.

Windows Mail

1. Start Windows Mail.

2. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.

3. Click the Mail tab.

4. Click your POP3 account, and then click Properties.

5. Click the Advanced tab.

6. Increase the server timeout setting

Mozilla Thunderbird

1. Start Thunderbird

2. On the Tools Menu, click options

3. Click the Network & Disk Space tab.

4. Under Connection session, increase the connection time out setting

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