Server Gigabit Guide

How to Create DNS Zone in WebSitePanel

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This article will guide you how to create DNS Zone from WebSitePanel.

1. Log into the WebSitePanel control panel system with the detail get from your Welcome Email letter.

2. Under Hosting Space select Domains.

3. Add a Domain by click on the Domain as image.

4. Next, select on the Edit DNS Zone Records.

5. Add 2 DNS Zone Records for domain name.

a) www record.
Record Name: www
IP: x.x.x.x (May get from your welcome email)

b) domain record.
Record Name: (Leave it blank)
IP: x.x.x.x (May get from your welcome email)

c) wildcard record.
Record Name: * (represent asterisk symbol)
IP: x.x.x.x (May get from your welcome email)

6. Point your domain name according to the DNS got from the welcome email .

7. Done the steps of Create DNS zone.

Please refer to the following articles .How to install FTP service in IIS6

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