Server Gigabit Guide

How to enable SSL encryption in your Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express

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How to enable SSL encryption in Microsoft Outlook 

1. Launch your Microsoft Outlook

2. Go to Tools and select Account Settings.

3. Check on the “Manually configure server settings or additional server types”

4. Enter your name and full email address on User’s Information section.

5. Select Account Type. You may choose either POP3 or IMAP as we support for both email protocol.

6. Enter “server hostname”  for incoming and Outgoing mail server (SMTP)

7. Then assign your full email address and password on the Logon information section and check on to remember password

8. Then click on the “More settings…”

9. Then go to advanced tab and check on “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL).”

10. Lastly assign 995 for incoming port (POP3) and 465 for outgoing port (SMTP).

How to enable SSL encryption in Outlook Express

1. Launch Outlook Express.

2. Go to Tools > Accounts…

3. Go to Mail tab and select the account for SSL encryption and click Properties.

4. Then go to Advanced tab and check on both “This server requires a secure connection (SSL).

5. Then assign port 465 for outgoing SMTP and 995 for incoming POP3 .

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