Server Gigabit Guide

How to fix WordPress blank page

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If your WordPress showing blank page, below will be the possible problem and solution.

Check 1: Disable all plugin

There is 2 method to doing so:

  • rename the plugin folder that located at wp-content/plugin.
  • Disable WordPress Plugin from Database(PHPMyAdmin).
  1. Log into your PHPMyAdmin.
  2. Select the WordPress database.
  3. Browse to the wp_options table.
  4. Look for the active_plugins.
  5. Edit it and cut all of the value from option_value to a text editor(eg. NotePad) and backup it.
  6. Save it.

Check 2: Change the themes 

There is 2 method to doing so

  • rename the themes folder that located at wp-content/theme/.
  • change the themes from Database.
  1. Log into your PHPMyAdmin.
  2. Select on the WordPress database.
  3. Browse to the wp_options table.
  4. Look for the option_name for template and stylesheet.
  5. edit it to another themes name. (Note: themes name is refering to the folder name in themes folder)

Save it.

If the issue still presist, try to update the WordPress to the latest version.


If all the step as above have taken and issue still persist, please submit a ticket to our support team

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