Server Gigabit Guide

How to Flush DNS Cache From Your Computer?

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This article is the guide to clear and reset the DNS resolver cache which stores the IP address attached to frequently used DNS names. It is also useful to speed up the DNS propagation for a newly added or modified domain, at least it will remove the local from your terminal/PC and allow you to receive most recent.

Flushing DNS in Microsoft Windows

In Microsoft Windows, you can use the command ipconfig /flushdns to flush.

1. Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
2. Type command: ipconfig /flushdns and hit enter.
3. A successful flushed process will display the following result.

Windows IP Configuration
Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

Flushing DNS in Mac OS X Leopard

1. Open up a Terminal window from under Applications/Utilities.
2. Type command: lookupd -flushcache

Flushing DNS in Mac OS X

Open up a Terminal window from under Applications/Utilities.
2. Type command: dscacheutil -flushcache

Flushing DNS in Linux

Clearing the DNS cache is done by restarting the nscd daemon.

1. Open up a Terminal window
2. Type command: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart

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