Server Gigabit Guide

How to install WordPress via WordPress Hosting

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Upon you have completed the order and payment for your Managed WordPress hosting subscription, our automated API ordering process will setup your WordPress on your domain that you have signed up for the WordPress hosting. The following guides applied if you need to install additional WordPress instant on your sub folder.1. Login into WordPress Hosting control panel via your client area portal

2. On your WordPress control panel, click on the WordPress icon on your right side bar.

wordpress control panel right side bar

3. Select Install > Install (Custom) so that you can customize all the configuration. Selecting Install (Quick) will have the install as / WordPress sub directory as default installation.wordpress hosting

4. Customize your WordPress installation as you wish.installation of wordpress

5. Click Install when you are done and nstallation will begin. Upon finish, you will redirected to your WordPress Installation.wordpress installation

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