Server Gigabit Guide

How to Run Windows Update

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Run Windows Update for:

Windows Server 2003

1. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button. Then click “All Programs”, looking for “Windows Update” and click it.

2. An Internet Explorer will appear loading Windows Update website (URL

3. Click Check for updates, and then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for your computer.

4. If any updates are found, click Install updates.

Windows Server 2008

1. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button. Then click “All Programs”, looking for “Windows Update” and click it.

2. In the left pane, click Check for updates, and then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for your computer.

3. If any updates are found, click Install updates.


Windows Server 2012

1. Press Winkey+X, y (System), select Windows Update (bottom of left panel)

2. In the left pane, click Check for updates, and then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for your computer.

3. If any updates are found, click Install updates.

Then, you completed the steps to run the windows update.

Please refer to the following articles. How to install FTP service in IIS6

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