Server Gigabit Guide

How to view complete email header in Horde Webmail, Roundcube Webmail, and SquirrelMail Webmail

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This article will show the steps on how you can view the complete email header in Horde Webmail

1) Login to Webmail using the URL (http://domainanme/webmail)

2) Select on Read Mail Using Hord

3) Double click on the email that you wish to view the header for

4) Then click on ” View Source ” on the top right pane

5) You are then able to view the complete email header of the email


This part will show the steps on how you can view the complete email header in Roundcube Webmail

1) Login to Webmail using the URL (http://domainanme/webmail)

2) Select on Read Mail Using RoundCube

3) Double click on the email that you wish to view the header for

4) Click on the option “More” →  “Show Source

5) You are then able to view the complete email header of the email



This part will show the steps on how you can view the complete email header in SquirrelMail Webmail


1) Login to Webmail using the URL (http://domainanme/webmail)

2) Select on Read Mail Using SquirrelMail

3) From “Options” click on “View Full Header”

4) You may then able to view the complete email header of the email

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