Server Gigabit Guide

Installing SSL and Activate SSL certificate using SSL/TLS Manager in cPanel

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Installing SSL and Activate SSL certificate using SSL/TLS Manager in cPanel

This article will be a guide how to install SSL using SSL/TLS Manager in cPanel

  1. Login to your cPanel 
  2. Under the Security section, click on SSL/TLS ssl manager
  3. 3. Click on Click on Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificate

ssl /tls

4.Now either paste your certificate info into the Paste your certificate below box and click Save Certificate

Or click Choose File to browse your local computer for the certificate file and click on Upload Certificate

Here continue how to Activate SSL certificate using SSL/TLS Manager in cPanel

  1. Access the cPanel SSL/TLS Manager
  2. Click on Install and Manage SSL for your site(HTTPS)


Install and Manage SSL for your site(HTTPS)

From the Domain drop-down, select the domain you’re installing your SSL certificate on, and then click Autofill by Domain

click Autofill by Domain

  • Check if the certificate detail is correct shown.

installing ssl

  • Scroll down and click on Install Certificate after confirmed.install certificate
  • You should see notification message after the SSL activation.

 SSL activation.

You may always check your SSL and verify if the SSL certificate is correctly installed at SSL Checker

It could be something showing as below :

ssl checker

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