Server Gigabit Guide

Machine Is Offline in Backup Management Console

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The machine is offline in the Backup management console following successful deployment.

Possible causes

  • Managed Machine Service is not running.
  • A connectivity issue between the backup agent and cloud servers.
  • Registry keys “MMSCurrentMachineID” and “InstanceID” do not match with IDs on the management server in Acronis cloud.

Solution 1

Windows: Navigate to Windows resources and test if the Managed Machine System is in operation: Start -> Search ->services.msc

Look up the computer service operated by acronis, restart it.

Linux: open Terminal and execute under a superuser/root /etc/init.d/acronis_mms status, restart the service 

#/etc/init.d/acronis_mms restart

Solution 2

Windows: use the Connection Verification Tool to check network connectivity.

Linux: open Terminal and check whether required firewall ports (80, 443, 8443,7770-7800 and 44445) are opened with the netcat command.

Solution 3

1. Open the backup management console, select the machine by clicking on it and check browser’s address bar.

2. Note InstanceID and MMSCurrentMachineID. GUID between “phm.” and “%40” is InstanceID, after “%40” is MMSCurrentMachineID:

Backup Management Console-MMSCurrentMachineID

3. Compare the values to the values on the machine:

Windows: navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\Settings\MachineManager and note the values of “MMSCurrentMachineID” and “InstanceID”.
For example:
If they don’t match, change to registy values on the Agent machine to the ones you found in step 2.

Linux: open /etc/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery.config and note the values of “MMSCurrentMachineID” and “InstanceID”.
For example:
<value name=”InstanceID” type=”TString”>

<value name=”MMSCurrentMachineID” type=”TString”>
If they don’t match, change to registy values on the Agent machine to the ones you found in step 2.

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