Server Gigabit Guide

.my DOMAIN REGISTRY (MYNIC): Procedure to update .my Domain Name Servers

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.my DOMAIN REGISTRY (MYNIC): Procedure to update .my Domain Name Server:

1) Login to the Mynic Domain  Control Panel Here.

2) Enter your login details and click“Login”.

3) Hover your cursor to “Domain Name” and click on “Modify Domain”.

.my Domain Name Servers-modify domain

4) Enter “[Domain Name]” (without domain extension) and select your domain extension under “[Domain Extension]”. Click “Search”.

.my Domain Name Servers-enter domain name

5) Under “Search Results”, tick the Domain you want to modify and click “Modify” Domain Name Servers-select domain to modify

6) Choose “Add / Remove / Change Name Server”.

7) Tick the name server that you would like to update.

8) Enter the new domain name server under “Change to:”.

9) Click on “Modify” Domain Name Servers-new pair DNS modified

10) The new pair of DNS has been successfully modified. Please allow 18-72 hours for the DNS propagation period. Learn more about DNS HERE.

You may refer the info of .my DOMAIN REGISTRY (MYNIC): Procedure to Update .my Email Contact

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