Server Gigabit Guide

Protecting Your Data: Backing Up MongoDB to Object Storage

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In the realm of data management, safeguarding your valuable information is of paramount importance. Regular backups serve as a crucial line of defense against data loss, ensuring that your MongoDB databases remain protected from unforeseen events. Object Storage, with its remarkable scalability and cost-effectiveness, has emerged as a favored destination for storing these backups.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the process of backing up your MongoDB database to object storage using the command line. The ease of configuration and S3-compatibility of object storage make it a compelling choice for securely storing your backups.

Prerequisites for Backup Success

To embark on this backup journey, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Object Storage: Access to an S3-compatible object storage service.

  2. Access Key and Secret Key: Obtain your unique access key and secret key from your object storage provider.

  3. S3 URL: Locate the S3 URL provided by your object storage provider.

  4. AWS CLI Installation: Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) on the server hosting your MongoDB database.

Creating a Database Backup

Before transferring your backup to object storage, it’s essential to generate a local backup. Fortunately, MongoDB provides a built-in command to accomplish this task:

mongodump --host <hostname> --port <port> --db <database_name> --out <output_directory>

Replace the placeholders with the appropriate values:

  • <hostname>: The hostname or IP address of the MongoDB server. If it’s on the same server, use “localhost”.

  • <port>: The port number on which MongoDB is running (default is 27017).

  • <database_name>: The name of the database you want to back up.

  • <output_directory>: The path to the directory where the backup files will be saved.

Uploading Your Database Backup

Once you’ve successfully created a local backup, it’s time to transfer it to object storage using the AWS CLI:

aws --profile eu2 --region default --endpoint-url [your_s3_url] s3 cp [name_of_your_backup_file] s3://[bucket_name]

Replace the placeholders with the appropriate values:

  • <name_of_your_backup_file>: The name of the local backup file you created.

  • <bucket_name>: The name of the bucket in your object storage where you want to store the backup.

Scheduling Regular Backups

Regular backups are crucial for maintaining a robust data protection strategy. To automate this process, utilize Cron:

1. Create a Shell Script

Create a shell script that generates a local backup and transfers it to object storage:


mongodump --host <hostname> --port <port> --db <database_name> --out <output_directory>

aws --profile eu2 --region default --endpoint-url [your_s3_url] s3 cp [name_of_your_backup_file] s3://[bucket_name]

Replace the placeholders with the appropriate values.

Save the script as “” and make it executable:

chmod +x

2. Edit the Crontab File

Open the Crontab file to schedule the backup script:

crontab -e

Add the following line to schedule the backup script to run daily at 3:00 AM:

0 3 * * * /[path_to_script]/

Save the Crontab file.


By leveraging the AWS CLI and the provided commands, you can seamlessly back up your MongoDB databases to object storage, ensuring the security and integrity of your valuable data. Regular backups provide a safeguard against data loss, offering peace of mind and enabling you to focus on your business objectives. Embrace the power of object storage and safeguard your valuable MongoDB data with ease and efficiency.

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