Server Gigabit Guide

Web Hosting Features Guide

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Web Hosting Features Guide

FTP Instruction

Web Hosting Features Guide-FTP

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a set of rules used by networked computers to speak to each other.  Besides,  FTP is the language used by computers on the TCP / IP network (such as the Internet) to transfer files to and from each other.

You’ve probably already experienced FTP on the net. Have you ever downloaded a modern nightly build of Firefox or downloaded MP3s from a kid’s personal server in Sweden? So you just used FTP without even knowing it. Today’s web browsers allow you to download files from the browser window via FTP. It’s very convenient, and it’s perfect when you need to access a file or two, but the browser-download approach doesn’t offer a lot of flexibility. You can’t upload, force a transfer mode, or ask the server any questions you might have. And don’t even get me started on the issue of security. But if you’re doing any kind of web development, you need all that kind of web creation.

You can follow this Web Hosting Features Guide by start uploading your files using the IP address below:

ftp://(Server IP)

First, view your site web hosting by using IP, please enter ftp://(Server IP)/~(Username)/ at your browser.

Nevertheless, when your domain name is transferred and running in your browser, the Web Hosting Guide will allow you to use your host name.


User name and password are the same as the CPanel.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you upload your files to the PUBLIC_HTML or www directory on the server otherwise they will not be visible on the internet. Save your homepage as an “index” file, e.g. index.htm, index.html, etc. Learn how to edit host file.

Lastly, We suggest you to download File Zilla from Download FileZilla client if you do not already have an ftp client. Learn more

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