Server Gigabit Guide

Windows or Linux Hosting Package ?

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Windows or Linux Hosting Package?

Servergigabit Windows hosting and Linux Hosting Packages operate on different operating systems. Although having the same price, they differ in the followings:

1. Programming Language 

Linux Hosting supports PHP, Perl and cgi script

Windows Hosting supports PHP, Perl, cgi script, ASP and ASP.NET

2. Database 

Linux supports MySQL database

Windows supports Microsoft SQL, MySQL database and Microsoft Access database.

3. Web Control Panel

Linux hosting plan operates on cPanel

Windows operates on MSPControl/Plesk Control Panel.


You may first review your programming language and database requirement: “Do your site need ASP.NET?” or “Do your site need other type of Database than MySQL?”.

If you still happened to be undecided which hosting plan to choose from, you may start with Linux Hosting.

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